This was sized for my 8yo daughter. I ended up using 5 (or was it 6?) skeins of Angel Hair yarn. I had to make the sleeves a bit shorter than I'd planned, and also had to buy another skein (for $6) in order to finish the collar. Luckily, I was able to find a color that seems to work ok.
I used the remained of that extra skein to make gauntlets for my son, who likes soft textures.
For future reference, here's the pattern I adapted this sweater from.

The actual pattern measurements I used were:
co 59 sts
front and back:
rectangles were 16" wide, 17.5" tall (hem to shoulder), with 2" vertical gap for the neck (as in the original pattern) which was 14 rows
11" from hem to bottom of arm hole, where the sleeve was attached.
6.5" from bottom of sleeve to the shoulder
each shoulder was 4" (15 sts) horizontally, and the neck was 8" (30 sts) horizontally
The narrow part of the neck was 15 sts.
To make the neck, I put the 15 sts on a holder, and decreased 1 st every 2 rows (14 rows, and 7sts decreased for each shoulder, yields the 30sts width for the neck. If you look at the diagram, it makes sense :) )
I started knitting from the bottom, and put in a few rows of stockinette because my daughter wanted the hem to curl inward a bit. I did the rest of the sweater in garter.
To finish the neck, I used dpns to pick up the sts around the neck and I added a few rows of stockinette, decreasing 4 sts in each row, evenly spaced. This made the neck smaller, a bit less stretchy, and added a nice curl.
shoulder was 13" (46 sts), sleeve length was 16" (50 rows), and cuff was 7" (20 sts). I started at the shoulder, and decreasd 2 sts every 4 rows (at each end of the row) to decrease 26 sts in 50 rows.
I did the sleeves last, and was running out of yarn, so I was careful to make both sleeves together to I could be sure I had enough yarn for them to come out the same size. They ended up a bit short; I don't think I got the full 16" length I'd planned. But it still looks pretty good.